Warding off electrochemical indentations: a CNT-cocooned LiCoO2 electrode with ultra-stable high-voltage biking

Warding off electrochemical indentations: a CNT-cocooned LiCoO2 electrode with ultra-stable high-voltage biking

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE00722K, Paper
Open Access
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Zhi Zhu, Shuanglong Xu, Zhenjie Wang, Xiaohui Yan, Guiyin Xu, Yimeng Huang, Yuping Wu, Yin Zhang, Ju Li
An electrochemical indentation (ECI) theory was proposed to explain the LCO cycling decay. A CNT-cocooned LCO cathode was developed to maximize the electrical contact area for LCO, which greatly eliminated ECI and stabilized the high-voltage cycling.
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