Weakly solvating aqueous-based electrolyte facilitated by means of a cushy co-solvent for excessive temperature operations of zinc-ion batteries


Weakly solvating aqueous-based electrolyte facilitated by means of a cushy co-solvent for excessive temperature operations of zinc-ion batteries

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE00942H, Paper
ruizhi zhang, Wei Kong Pang, Jitraporn Vongsvivut, Jodie Yuwono, Guanjie Li, Yanqiu Lyu, Yameng Fan, Yunlong Zhao, Shilin Zhang, Jianfeng Mao, Qiong Cai, Sailin Liu, Zaiping Guo
The aqueous zinc-ion battery (AZIB) is a promising option for grid-scale energy storage, but it faces challenges from parasitic water-related reactions and limited operational temperature range. Replacing H2O molecules in…
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