Webinar Carbon Credit score Control For India’s Electrical Car Ecosystem And Carbon Financing

Webinar Carbon Credit score Control For India’s Electrical Car Ecosystem And Carbon Financing

Webinar Carbon Credit score Control For India’s Electrical Car Ecosystem And Carbon Financing

#electricvehicle #emobility #carboncredit #ev #charginginfrastructure #india
In tune with India’s long-term sustainability goal and decarbonization commitment of a net-zero economy by 2070 at the recently concluded COP 27 summit in Egypt, India committed to boosting the number of electric vehicles on the road alongside expanded public transport networks. As per vision 2030 identified by NITI Aayog & Rocky Mountain Institute 2019, 70% of all commercial cars, 30% of private cars, 40% of buses & 80% of 2W & 3W sales are to be electrified by 203

Here in our proposed virtual webinar, different stakeholders of India’s EV ecosystem will understand the carbon credit market in India, Carbon pricing, and its future outlook for India’s electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem.

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