What are the carbon requirements? (Verra, Gold Usual, American Carbon Registry, and so forth) – Abatable

What are the carbon requirements? (Verra, Gold Usual, American Carbon Registry, and so forth) – Abatable

What are the carbon requirements? (Verra, Gold Usual, American Carbon Registry, and so forth) – Abatable

In this series we look at some of the core concepts and principles in carbon offsetting. You can see some of the high-quality carbon projects we support on our website:

Hello, my name is Vitalija and I’m the Head of Carbon Origination at Abatable.

Today we are going to talk about the carbon standards and their role in the voluntary carbon markets.

A carbon standard—or GHG crediting program—refers to the complete set of rules, procedures, and methodologies according to which certified carbon credits are generated and issued. Carbon standards both certify carbon projects and programs and facilitate the trade of carbon credits by helping convert GHG emission reductions and removals into tradable carbon credits and keeping track of transfers and retirements for each unit.

Carbon standards are developed and governed by standard organizations—typically international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and validation and verification is usually outsourced to third parties. The main carbon standards include the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the Gold Standard (GS), the American Carbon Registry (ACR), and the Climate Action Reserve (CAR), but new carbon standards are emerging as well – as for example Plan Vivo or ART-TREES.

Carbon standards vary in their approaches, methodologies, and requirements, but given the voluntary nature of this market, standard organizations have the potential to safeguard the quality of VCM carbon credits. However, despite ongoing efforts to improve these methodologies, standards have fallen short of appropriately supervising poor applications of methodologies or bad actors registering carbon projects.

That’s why our team has developed a quality framework that goes beyond the requirements of a carbon standard, and can identify the really impactful carbon projects.

On average only one in ten projects we review passes our assessment and is listed on our marketplace.

You can check some of these projects and see how we have evaluated their quality on our website in the link below.

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