Why DiCaprio, Biden, and Nestlé need this OBSCURE commodity – Carbon Credit

Why DiCaprio, Biden, and Nestlé need this OBSCURE commodity – Carbon Credit

Why DiCaprio, Biden, and Nestlé need this OBSCURE commodity – Carbon Credit

This obscure commodity will have the FASTEST adoption rate out of all commodities.
Pop quiz: What do Norway, Nestlé, and NASCAR have in common?

Or what about Leonardo DiCaprio, President Biden… and JetBlue?

They’re all among the companies, celebrities, cities, and countries that have made commitments to curb their contributions to climate change.

Or eliminate them entirely.

And they’re all using the exact same tactic to do so.

It’s one you’ve probably never heard of…

In fact, it’s a commodity so new that it doesn’t even have an official market yet.

There are no quotes or tickers on Yahoo! Finance, Financial Post or Google Finance …Pricing is almost impossible to find.

But it’s on the verge of erupting onto the world stage.

In a few years, even your Uber driver—will know everything about it.

I’m Talking About Carbon Credits.

How are Carbon Credits Created?

Carbon credits are generated through emission reduction or direct emission removal.

For example: carbon credits can be earned for a renewable power plant that is used to displace coal fired electricity generation.

For each tonne of CO2 which is displaced, a credit is earned.
Carbon credits can also be generated through removal of greenhouse gases.

This is known as carbon sequestration.

Carbon removal comes from projects such as forest restoration and avoided deforestation. These are grouped as “nature-based solutions”.

Book a Flight.

If you try to look at pricing of flights on google or any online portal, under the price of the flight you will now see the amount of carbon emissions that your one seat is responsible for.

This is done for two reasons…

First, to start making customers aware of the amount of carbon emissions they are responsible for their flight.

Second, it’s to condition customers such that when there is a cost now to negate those emissions, the customers know the reason for the cost.

Carbon Credits are an Emerging International Marketplace.

#carboncredits #carbonmarket #carboninvestment

Get ahead of the curve and invest alongside Marin as he finds never-before-seen opportunities in the new trillion dollar market of ESG and Carbon Credits.

Grab Marin’s Free Book: Resource Market Millionaire and get an inside look at his secrets for 1000% returns again and again.

Free Resource: For carbon price updates and news – https://carboncredits.com/carbon-prices-today/

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