Woodland Carbon Offsets: License to Pollute or Important Local weather Answer?

Woodland Carbon Offsets: License to Pollute or Important Local weather Answer?

Woodland Carbon Offsets: License to Pollute or Important Local weather Answer?

Do forest carbon offsets actually work? Could they be causing more harm than good?

This first webinar in our Road to Net Zero series explores skepticisms about forest carbon offsets head-on and takes an in-depth look at their effectiveness. During the session, Sustainable Travel International CEO, Paloma Zapata, chats with Marc Baker and Jo Anderson, two experts from Carbon Tanzania, a social enterprise with extensive experience implementing forest conservation projects in collaboration with local communities in Tanzania and quantifying emissions reductions.

This webinar will help you figure out how forest carbon offsets fit into your own net zero journey and provide an opportunity to discuss your questions or concerns with the experts.

Webinar date: April 20, 2023

Learn more about Sustainable Travel International’s Road to Net Zero webinar series: https://sustainabletravel.org/road-to-net-zero-webinar-series/

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