Zinc iso-plating/stripping: Towards a realistic Zn powder anode with ultra-long existence over 5600 h


Zinc iso-plating/stripping: Towards a realistic Zn powder anode with ultra-long existence over 5600 h

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D3EE04333A, Paper
Hongli Chen, Wanyu Zhang, Shan Yi, Zhe Su, Zhiqiang Zhao, Yayun Zhang, Bo Niu, Donghui Long
Zn powder with large-scale production and well-tunability is promising for aqueous Zn-ion batteries, but its extremely short lifespan seriously hinders the practical application. Herein, we disclose that Zn powder anode…
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